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  • Benedict

    € 2.255,00Price


    • author

    • year


    • dimensions

      1°configuration_H 75cm, ø 75cm

      2°configuration_H 75cm, ø 120cm


    • materiality

      lacquered MDF, steel

    • category


    • pieces


    • description

      A striking yellow bistro table, just the right size for a cosy lunch on your own or with a friend, becomes the setting for a dinner party with the addition of a ring that rests on the beveled edge of the table.

    • process

      Living in a small apartment, a table that wouldn’t take up a lot of space was needed although a request was also that it could accommodate more company from time to time. A concept came quick, with tabletops and bevels and rings. Following that was a long research to find the best width of the bevel, the right profiles and thickness of the table, the best size for the ring...

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      e-shop soon available

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