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Mies Missing Materiality
  • Mies Missing Materiality

    € 650,00Price


    • author

    • year


    • dimensions

      28cm x 20cm (each photograph) + 20cm x 28cm (book)

    • materiality

      dibond / aluminium

    • category

      photograph serie

    • pieces

      10 pieces L.E. (sold all together and the book)

    • description

      The installation “Mies Missing Materiality” turned the Barcelona Pavilion into a representation of itself for eleven days, with all its surfaces limited to a single white and uniform white material.

      The piece consists of a series of five close-up photographs depicting different crossing joints of the Barcelona pavilion dressed in white on the last day of the intervention. The natural process of wearing out and the visitors desire to recover the original materiality of the Pavilion add a new layer of detail and meaning to the installation.

    • process

      The piece consists of five photographs taken the last day of the installation, when the traces of use and desire were more visible in the multiple joints of the pavilion.

      The book published by the Mies van der Rohe Foundation accompanies the piece with the contributions of Juhani Pallasmaa, Fabrizio Gallanti, María Langarita, Carlos Quintáns and Juan José Lahuerta ane the images by Adrià Goula.

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